Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July Currently

Hi everyone. It's been quite the summer so far. I wasn't exactly planning on my summer being this crazy, but you know what they say about plans...."If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans."

That couldn't be any truer than it is for me right now.

I am currently in the throes of finding a teaching job. I've interviewed for 6 positions so far (I think...I've pretty much lost count by now). It seems to really be getting down to the wire since new teacher training for the area starts in the next couple of weeks. Teachers are already going in to do pre-planning since the switch to Common Core is in full effect this year in Tennessee districts.

I keep trying to keep a positive attitude but I can't help but get a little down in the dumps. All through grad school, I've had SO MANY people tell me that I'll have "no problem" getting a job since I'm middle grades. Uhm...yeah. So where are the jobs?

Anyways, that's pretty much where I've been this summer. Plus I took a week off to go to Florida. I badly needed a week off from the stress of job hunting and everything else.

So....anywho...I'm back into the blogging for now. Here is July's Currently from Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

Listening--"Does He Love You" by Reba McEntire and Linda Davis. I've been in such a 90s Country mood lately. This is actually on my Spotify playlist called "Selena's 90s Country," which is just a playlist of songs that remind me of my childhood, when I really didn't even know music existed other than country music.

Loving--I got some really great deals at Staples and Office Max today. Staples had some 1 cent deals and Office Max had some really awesome $1 deals (4-pack of Expo dry erase markers for $1!!!!). I spent around $35 at both stores, but saved close to $70, between my School Supply Savings Pass and Staples Rewards at Staples and the sale prices at both stores.

Thinking--I have to get up for work in the morning so I really should be in bed right now.

Wanting and Needing---They go hand in hand. I had an interview with a middle school principal Tuesday for an 8th grade math position. I'd LOVE to get this job so I'm hoping I'll hear from him soon.

Tips--This is something I have seen on Pinterest and other teacher blogs but I just cleaned out the basket that sits on my desk at home today. I have pens, pencils, markers, and other little supplies in it but at the time, I only have one cup to keep the pens in. The markers were just laying horizontally in the basket and everything else was just thrown in willy-nilly. I happened upon these little plastic cups we got at Walmart when we were out of town a few weeks ago (we had a 2-liter of soda from the pizza place we ordered from but no cups to drink from). The cups were just sitting on a table in my bedroom so I figured, hey, I can use these! They worked out great in my basket! I don't have a "before" picture, but here is the "after" picture:

So I think I'm going to take my own advice and head on to bed. I hope to be on here at little more in the next weeks.

See you soon!

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