Good morning lovelies! I'm officially on back-to-school countdown. Not including today, there are 24 days until I see my babies again (okay, they're 12 and 13 years old, but they're still my babies). And there are only 16 days until I go to my first pre-planning workshop. It's INSANE how the summer has flown by!
So for my first-ever Monday Made-It, I'm going to cheat a little. Chad and I went to Daytona Beach for...well..let's just say "awhile," so I have ZERO money left in the bank account to do any DIY with. But back in June, I visited my parents in Tennessee and well, whenever I visit my mom, we always get into some kind of sewing situation. I wanted to get my color scheme down pat before I got bogged down in the summer craziness, so I made a trip to Hobby Lobby. I always have to wait to visit either my parents or Chad's parents to get to a Hobby Lobby since, of course, we have NOTHING here in Brunswick.
In May, I was browsing through some Vera Bradley items online and found this pattern, which I'd always loved, but hadn't really thought twice about. But then it struck's a GREAT color scheme for my classroom! It has red, white, and blue in it, which is kind of preppy and nautical (and...'Merica!!). But then it has that lime green pop of color, which is totally unexpected with red, white, and blue. So, all in all, I LOVED it and knew immediately that it was going to be my color scheme for next school year.
Vera Bradley pattern that inspired my new color scheme. |
So when I went to Hobby Lobby, I knew the colors I was looking for but I had no clue what pattern(s) I wanted. What I found, though, exceeded my expectations.
My 2014-2015 classroom color scheme. |
I saw the red and blue pattern from across the fabric aisle and just KNEW that was the one. Then the other three patterns just popped up here and there afterwards. This fabric selection will be going on my bulletin board in the back of my classroom. This bulletin board provides a backdrop for the entire room since I have such a tiny room. I can't wait to get back to school and get these up on the board. I'll post pictures once I do that. :)
Now for my Monday Made-It with Tara over at
4th Grade Frolics.....
As I mentioned earlier in the post, I always get the sewing machine out when I visit my mom and this visit was no different. Even though I had my bulletin board fabric ready to go, I needed a table skirt to hide all the junk underneath my "materials table." I have such a small room and zero storage space for the students that the only option I've found is to store their textbooks, binders, and pencil boxes on this long folding table on one side of the room. Since every student goes to this table at least twice every day, I needed a fabric that wouldn't show a lot of dirt or stains (hey, with middle schoolers, you just NEVER know!!).
For the second half of last year, I had this table skirt that I just attached to the table with velcro. It is easy to pull off whenever I need something out from under the table. I made it from leftover material from my curtains, so it was a bit short on the sides and I had this perpetual crease in it along the top since I wasn't sure how tall the table was.
Last year's table skirt. |
However, this year I took measurements before I went home for summer break. I haven't been back to my classroom since making the table skirt so I haven't gotten it up yet, but here is the finished product. Because I will have SO MUCH going on with the bulletin board, I wanted something that would coordinate, but wouldn't draw any attention away from the bulletin board.
New table skirt. Better picture to come soon. :) |
The photo is horrible so I will post a better one once I get it on the table. The fabric is a dark royal blue and the ribbon is the same lime green that I will have on the bulletin board. Unfortunately, I picked the wrong kind of ribbon so it's all bunchy looking, but at least it's like that all the way down. So maybe everyone will think I meant for it to look that way. :)

Next is my hallway curtain. Our classroom doors are set back in an alcove with several windows around the door. There is a lot of empty space above the door so you can either put a welcome sign up there like my across-the-hall neighbor does, or you can opt for curtains, which is what I like to do. Last semester, I had the same black and white fabric as my table skirt for my curtains. It looked great, but I wanted something with a little more pizzazz this year. Our school colors are yellow/gold and black (Go Jackets!!) so I scoured Hobby Lobby for something that would fit with that color scheme. Here is what I found....
New hallway curtains!! |
Again, I'll have more pictures when I get to school and actually get this stuff up in my room. But I love these curtains. Since I couldn't find anything yellow and black, I opted to sew a black ribbon across the bottom of the yellow and white fabric. I make deco mesh wreaths whenever I have spare (sike!!!) time, and my first wreath on my classroom door will be a school spirit wreath for football/softball season that will go perfectly with these curtains!
Whew! Another long post! I have a habit of being long-winded, don't I? Have a wonderful day bloggies!!!